The UK RumFest: Showcasing The Best of the Best

There are few things you can count on during what is an unpredictable life. You can count on being taxed on your hard-earned. If you live in the UK, you can count on needing a raincoat as part of your wardrobe staples. And, finally, you can count on the fact that the UK RumFest will be bigger and better than it was the year before!
Last weekend, after the Interscope Productions team had painstakingly set up its stall, the World’s largest rum festival kicked off, and certainly did not let us down. In London, you can usually tell an event is going to be major when you begin to feel the buzz on the tube on your way there. This was certainly the case on 14 and 15 October, as the people poured in from all over to have the world’s finest rum flavours poured into their mouths.

In actual fact, the real buzz started on a boat on the River Thames back in September, where a few of the RumFest’s most avid supporters (including Interscope) took to the waters to usher in this year’s festivities in traditional style.
Now, having celebrated its seventh birthday, we have been proud to watch the UK RumFest – and indeed the Rum Experience Brand – grow from a fledgling festival into a true titan of the industry. It is now unrivalled when it comes to the celebration of rum culture around the world.

This year’s event brought together the industry’s top blenders, distillers and mixologists under a very large roof at the ExCel London Exhibition Centre. There was also a special space set aside for exhibitors, under the banner of ‘Boutique Rumfest’. So, naturally, given our penchant for drinks branding and design and our history with The Rum Experience, we set up camp amongst those looking to showcase their work and wares.

All-in-all, the weekend was a fantastic success, both for the Rum Experience and for Interscope Productions. Our stand saw a high footfall, and we were sure we almost caused a few incidences of whiplash as necks craned to get a glimpse of our designs. Our work for Gannibal – the world’s first premium vodka flavoured with rum – was attracting the connoisseurs and the curious alike in their masses.

Meanwhile, our recently-forged partnership with SaverGlass – the world specialist for the manufacturing and decoration of luxury bottles – allows us to step the game up in terms of bottle branding and design and the battle for the supermarket shelf space. Needless to say, this was music to the ears of a lot of rum companies at the festival: old and new alike. Watch this space for some big news in the near future!

If there’s one thing we took away from this year’s event, it’s this: nothing happens by chance. At Interscope, we have always believed in forging strong links and relationships very early on, knowing that these relationships blossom and bear fruits further down the line. That’s exactly what we have done with all our brands – The Rum Experience included. The successes of these brands tell their own story.
We will continue to work this way because we know it works, as evidenced by this year’s RumFest. We hope to see you and your product there next year – and hopefully before then!

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